Labor's Dr Gordon Reid MP Responds and defends his Pride - Part 3

Labor's Dr Gordon Reid MP Responds and defends his Pride - Part 3

On 7 August 2023 Federal Labor MP, Dr Gordon Reid, made a statement in Federal Parliament re-affirming his pride in his “Aboriginal heritage” and his “culture.” He also spoke of his grandmother, Aunty Robyn Reid, as a “proud Aboriginal Mingaletta elder and a woman of Wiradjuri descent.”

His statement was in response to enquiries by both Andrew Bolt (Skynews) and ourselves (Dark Emu Exposed), that genealogical records indicated that Dr Reid and his grandmother, ‘Aunty’ Robyn Reid, may be mistaken to believe that they are of Wiradjuri Aboriginal descent (see original research in Part 2 of the Dr Gordon Reid story).

The genealogical records show that Robyn Reid’s ancestors all came from England or Ireland - none could be identified as being Aboriginal.

A film clip and transcript of Dr Reid’s 7 August 2023 parliamentary statement is shown below.


Sources: APH-1 & APH-2 & from 13:56

After Dr Reid’s office sent Andrew Bolt a link to the statement made in parliament, Andrew Bolt wrote an Opinion piece in the Herald Sun (see below).

Bolt also invited myself, as the Editor of Dark Emu Exposed to appear on his show to discuss the results of our genealogical research work in general, but also particularly with regard to Dr Reid’s claims that his grandmother and he were both Aboriginal.


So where does this leave us all now?

How do Wiradjuri people feel about Dr Reid’s and his grandmother’s claims that they too are Wiradjuri?

Even in his recent statement, given under parliamentary privilege, Dr Reid still did not table any documentary genealogical proof that confirmed his Aboriginality - proof that would show that Dark Emu Exposed was wrong in its genealogical research.

Instead, Dr Reid continued to strongly self-identify as Wiradjuri and confirmed that both he and his grandmother continue to be recognised as Wiradjuri by the Mingaletta Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Corporation, where Aunty Robyn Reid is appointed as a director.

Dr Reid’s re-affirmation in parliament of his self identification and pride in being Aboriginal, was supported by the applause of his labor colleagues. He also made an oblique reference to the enquiries of Andrew Bolt and ourselves, with the disdainful dismissal,

“…the desire to strip someone of this pride is something that I will never understand.”

We can all agree that Dr Reid has publicly satisfied two-parts of the universally accepted Commonwealth’s ‘3-part Rule’ for Aboriginality, but he has still, in our opinion, failed to publicly confirm that he satisfies the necessary third part, that part requiring that a person needs to be of Aboriginal descent.

And thus we are all left in the position where our suspicions, claims and counter-claims, views and opinions are still up in the air.

Our work suggests that the ‘Emperor has no clothes’, but no-one else in the Palace Court (the Labor party and Opposition) is willing to point that out.

As I said in my interview with Bolt (@05:17), “Our society is heading in[to] a really weird place”.

I’m old enough to remember the times in Australia in 1998 when the ABC’s 7:30 Report received a Walkley Award for exposing ‘fake Aborigines.’

Fast forward 25 years and it’s now the case that not only does the ABC say, “nothing to see here”, but in fact the ABC supports, with recognition and awards, self-identifying Aboriginal people, who clearly do not satisfy the universally agreed, 3-Part Rule for Aboriginality (See Dr Jaky Troy, Prof. Bruce Pascoe, Prof. Lisa Jackson Pulver, amongst others)

Instead, the ABC and the Establishment wants us to applaud the Emperors of today as they strut around naked proclaiming their pride in their royal robes, totally unchallenged by anyone in an official capacity. Go figure.

And more worryingly, the forces of ‘progressivism’ are not finished yet - The Truth-Telling Process and the Misinformation Bill are still coming down the pipeline - but at least now it will not be the ‘push-over’ that the Radical Left thought they would achieve. As the polling for the Voice Referendum shows, many Australians are now waking up to what is happening and are willing to join us in ‘drawing a line in the sand’.

The Australian public has never been easy to ‘con’ - we always were, always will be, skeptical.

If our ‘exposure’ work can continue to have an effect, and the NO vote carries the day at the Voice referendum, then our society might have just saved itself from ultimately, “heading in[to] a really weird place”.

Further Reading

Modern Australians are fortunate to be the recipients of the world’s oldest continuous culture, stretching as it does some 100,000 years, all the way back to the dawn of modern mankind in Africa’s Rift Valley. One of the stops along the way during the journey of our common Aussie culture was the West’s Christian Civilization, where we created one of our greatest and wisest of Elders, Boethius.

Anicius Boethius (ca AD 480-524) was a Roman philosopher and considered to be ‘one of the last authentic representatives of the classical world, in both his life and writings. He came of a family which held high office in the decaying Western Empire. He was Consul in 510 and a trusted political advisor to Theodoric, the Ostrogoth emperor. Later he bcame involved (innocently?) in a conspriacy, was imprisoned and then brutaly executed in 524. While in prison he wrote The Consolation of Philosophy, as a conversation between the ailing prisoner and his ‘nurse’ Philosophy, whose instruction restores him to health and brings him to enlightenment.

The value of the thoughts of Boethius

Anyone who aspires to enter the hurley burley world of senior politics or high-corporate life, or seeks to attain fame-and-fortune for themselves in some other professional field, should start to read Boethius’s, The Consolation of Philosophy, and make it a book that they delve into from time to time. This book might actually make them realise that there are more important things in life than enslaving yourself to Pride, Riches, Power, Lust or Envy.

Boethius’s work led to the popular notion during the Medieval Ages of Fortune’s Wheel and the capricious nature of Fate.

His work is also useful in understanding the Christian notions of the Seven Deadly Sins, of which Pride is considered by some to be the Queen of Sins, as it often leads the way to a person’s downfall at the hand of one or more of the other sins.

In Book II, Chapter VI, Boethius muses on the pitfalls of arrogance or pride and how virtue eludes those of unworthy character no matter how powerful or how exalted an office they hold.

Extracts from Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy, Victor Watts Translation, Penguin Classics 1999, Book II, Section VI, pg37-40. [cf HR James Translation p34, p35, p36)


One of the most corrosive of the sins is Pride, the Queen of Sins, because it easily leads its beholder to the other Seven Deadly Sins, especially Envy.

The thing with Pride is that it always is a lie. It will invariably make you miserable because it's a lie and because you know in your heart that it is a lie.

Nobody is really truly proud of themselves because we all know ourselves too well.

We know our real flaws which we need to keep hidden so as to maintain our facade of being worthy and proud. But pride is like the Emperor's clothes - the Emperor might strut around naked claiming he is proud of his royal robes, but everyone knows he really is naked. His sycophants are too afraid to tell him the truth, too scared at wounding his pride and exposing the whole charade.

But one day, as sure as night follows day, an innocent who isn’t afraid of him points out the obvious truth that the Emperor is naked, which humiliates him. That's how pride ends because it's always a lie. And Fortune’s Wheel turns again, with the disgrace of the once lauded Emperor (politician, businessman, movie star or, dare we say it, Aboriginal activist).

Figure - The Philosophy of Proud Wiradjuri Aboriginal man, Dr Gordon Reid MP. Source Maiden Speech 1/8/2022

Figure - The Philosophy of Proud Wiradjuri Aboriginal man, Dr Gordon Reid MP. Source Maiden Speech 1/8/2022


Figure - The Philosophy of Proud Wiradjuri Aboriginal man, Dr Gordon Reid MP. Source Maiden Speech 1/8/2022-


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