Misinformation, Disinformation and The Politics of Race Activism. Integrity Anyone?
All in ABC & The Media
Misinformation, Disinformation and The Politics of Race Activism. Integrity Anyone?
Will the public finally get sick of the business & political Elites ‘just making stuff up’ on the run about our Australian History? - The falling YES Vote might suggest as much.
Dark Emu Exposed opens the lid on the Davis Family’s Claimed Lived Experiences
Was Elizabeth Ober, the Davis Family Matriarch Really Kidnapped in Vanuatu and Enslaved in Queensland’s Cane Fields?
New April 2023 Heading: The Flourishing Business Empire of Professor Bruce Pascoe
New June 2021 Heading: Australia’s Greatest Literary Hoax starts to Unravel
Previous Feb 2020 Heading: Despite serious questions being asked of “Aboriginal historian” Bruce Pascoe and the veracity of his books, he continues to be lauded by ABC personalities.
The Tragic Case of Nathaniel Train - Our History is Nuanced and What we are Told is Often not the Whole Story
Will 2023 be the Year in which the Problem of the ‘Fakes’ is Finally Addressed by our Institutions and Governments?
A Review of Bruce Pascoe’s Dark Emu by that Most Necessary Member of Our Society - The Skeptic
Our ABC finally wakes up and organises a radio interview with Bruce Pascoe and three of his critics. But guess who doesn’t turn up? Quelle surprise.
Governments need to Defend, and Be Seen to Defend, our Australian Culture and Institutions - Thankfully, at least one Minister is no longer AWOL
Signed copies of Johannes Leak’s Cartoon, “Dark Emu Returns - 19/6/2021” are available.
ABC listeners hoping for a few probing questions during Jonathan Green’s conversation with Dark Emu author, Bruce Pascoe, will be disappointed - just another example of ABC bias? Maybe it is time for Mr Pascoe to go onto Amanda Vanstone’s, or Tom Switzer’s, program for some real, adult conversation and our enlightenment regarding the ‘truer history’ of Dark Emu?
‘How and why the ABC [BBC] distorts the news to promote a liberal agenda’.
Is Mr Pascoe a Screen-writer for the ‘Disneyfication’ of Aboriginal History ?“
It is not the Australian community who are insisting that Mr Pascoe prove his Aboriginal ancestry – it is in fact, Mr Pascoe who is insisting that the Australian community accept his Aboriginal ancestry, so the burden of proof falls to the initiator, Mr Pascoe, to clear up any concerns regarding his alleged ancestry.
In a world of Fakenews, to maintain the faith of the general public, academics, writers and journalists need to be seen to be avoiding Conflicts of Interest in the work they publish, or at least making Declarations of Interest where appropriate.
Should Bruce Pascoe be asking why his employer, UTS, appears to have funding links back to the Chinese Government, an alleged, modern-day ‘slaver’ of the Uyghur people?
Sir Guy ‘Drops his Rundle’ rides in to save Sir Bruce ‘The Scribbler’ and his Dark Emu. Or does he?