The Deep Fake Project - Exposing Academics Who are Appropriating "Aborigines" & Their Culture - Part 1

The Deep Fake Project - Exposing Academics Who are Appropriating "Aborigines" & Their Culture - Part 1

How low can some people go?

Over the coming months our readers will find out.

Using Google AI, and a large number of Aboriginal informants, we have now launched The Deep Fake Project to expose the lowest of the low - those opportunistic ‘white’ academics who are pretending to be Indigenous and syphoning off collectively millions of dollars of taxpayer funds that are intended for the educational needs of ‘real’ Aboriginal Australians.

Until now it has been a relatively easy rort for you to pull off - your tertiary institution has been complicit in knowingly harbouring and promoting you - and our ABC, SBS and NTIV have actively given you a platform to promote your fake identity .

But Aboriginal Australia has said enough is enough.

We here at Dark Emu Exposed have received a torrent of tip-offs and evidence against dozens of named, supposed fakes.

Our funding is now in place to start investigating these names one by one using the latest techniques available through linkages with Big Data, such as Google AI and, and with our own proprietary SAT Analysis methodology (as used here).

If you are a fake, you need to be afraid, very afraid, because one day soon we will get to your name on our list and present to the world your own episode of Who Do You Think You Are? in all your fake gory detail.

‘Aborigines’ or ‘Aboriginal people’?

Quite understandably some readers have pointed out that the word ‘Aborigine’ as used in this blog post title is today considered insensititive, even offensive, and does not allow for a diversity within Aboriginal people. We fully understand this and somewhat agree and, as our regular readers will know, we overwhelmingly tend to use the term ‘Aboriginal people’ in all our other blog posts.

However, we have deliberately used the term ‘Aborigine’ in this post for political and rhetorical reasons that we hope will become apparent to readers as we develop this theme over the coming few weeks.

Editor, Dark Emu Exposed

It's only a trickle but at least some Sanity has returned

It's only a trickle but at least some Sanity has returned

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