Anti-Semitism and the Return of Anti-Colonialism

Anti-Semitism and the Return of Anti-Colonialism

Anti-Semitism is always a means rather than an end; it is a measure of the contradictions yet to be resolved. It is a mirror for the failings of individuals, social structures and State systems. Tell me what you accuse the Jews of - I’ll tell you what you are guilty of.

- Vasily Grossman, Life and Fate, Ch. 31

It seems that we are again approaching one of those ‘scapegoating’ times in history - a time when a disaffected mob look for someone else to blame for their own, self-perceived woes.

Traditionally the Jews on many occassions have filled the role of history’s scapegoat. And so it goes again. Three generations after the Holocaust, memories are fading, horrors are forgotten and the politics of hate threaten to be repeated.

In Australia, spokespeople for seemingly anti-Semitic ‘mobs’ don their lapel-pins of intertwined Palestinian and Aboriginal flags; the irresponsible politicians and activists appear on stage, draped in a provocative keffiyeh, egging the crowd on with a chant that can only mean genocide, for one side or the other, while the rest of us Quiet Australians look on with growing horror.

Thus, it is timely to reflect on what perhaps might turn out to be a modern re-run of the 1930s. Not exactly the same, given that period’s unique form of Fascism, but worryingly similar as the world seems to be drifting towards new versions of Totalitarianism based on ‘Western wokeness’, Putin’s Russia and Xi’s China, and rising Islamic militancy against the West and its values.

To reground us in reality, consider the chapter below from Vasily Grossman’s novel, Life and Fate, which has been claimed by some to be one of the ‘only two truly great novels of the 20th century’ [Notes 1 & 2] and which indeed contains a gripping analysis of what anti-Semitism really is.

Some readers may wonder why Dark Emu Exposed would devote a post to anti-Semitism?

The reason is that some of us can’t help wondering as to whether the so-called ‘white colonizers and settlers’ - Australians, Americans, Canadians and New Zealanders - aren’t also slowly being shuffled into a queue behind the Israeli Jews, by activists, hell bent on condemning Israel and the ex-British colonies, like Australia, as ‘occupiers of stolen land.

If indeed this cascade of blame and guilt results in ‘white Australians’ being ‘next in line’, then it is opportune to revisit the words of Pastor Martin Niemöller, “First They Came”, with their warning against the cowardice and complacency that occurred during the Nazi-era.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller

Now, some might think that it is over-reach to suggest that sometime soon ‘white Australians’ will be arrested and imprisoned, sent into exile, or worse. Yes that is true for our persons, but not for our culture, ideas, opinions, heritage or legacies, all of which are already under frequent attack today by being cancelled, banned or destroyed.

The following is Vasily Grossman’s chapter in Life and Fate on anti-Semitism:

Further Reading

Note 1 - English author and commentator Douglas Murray has frequently referenced Vasily Grossman’s great novel, especially in regard to Grossman’s insightful description of what anti-Semitism is and represents.


Note 2 - At Dark Emu Exposed we posited that the themes of that other claimed ‘truly great novel of the 20th century’, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa’s, The Leopard also had relevance to where Australian society found itself during The Voice referendum. See our post here

Further Thoughts

After reading Grossman’s following words:


we think Grossman may have identified the fundamental cause of the Gazan’s plight and their hatred of Israel, and hence the Jews: has governance by Hamas stifled Palestinian progress to the point where there is “a lack of talent, an inability to win an [economic] contest on equal terms … [and a looking] to imaginary intrigues of World Jewry for an explanation of their own failure ?

In 1948 Gazans and Israeli’s were on a par. The Jews shot ahead economically and socially in developing their new country. The Gazans could have voted for political parties post 1948 that favoured development over resentment and war with Israel, but they didn’t. Gazans could have avowed terrorism, made peace with Israel and built a new Singapore on the Med but they didn't. They could have been a rich, financial capital for the Arab world and replaced Beirut, but they are not.

So now Gazans are completely pissed that Israel is so modern and prosperous. The fact that Gaza and Israel in 1948 were identical economically, but now the contrast looks like Hell versus Heaven on earth, greatly pisses off Hamas and the Gazans as it exposes to the world the complete failure of the political path they have adopted.

Incredibly, even former Victorian premier Dan Andrews reached this conclusion when he gave this speech on a visit to Israel in 2014.

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