More Reader's Comments - And Our Responses

More Reader's Comments - And Our Responses

1. From a Reader, Michael - 20/11/2019

Subject: Appreciation and questions

I am quite impressed with what you have done. The amount of knowledge and the way you have put forward your information is something I aspire to. I was curious to know your thoughts on Andrew Bolt and his article on Bruce Pascoe that appeared in the herald sun that mentions this blog? Also I'm intrigued by your reasoning behind being called the quiet Australian? - Thank you - Michael

Our response

Thankyou for your interest in our website Michael, Our group name of Quiet Australians came out the common 'meme' that Australia contains a huge pool of normal, ordinary, non-activist Australians whose voice and opinions are not always heard, but nevertheless are entitled to their opinion and one-vote .

One of our projects is Dark Emu Exposed, which aims to engage with Mr Pascoe with regard to his Dark Emu thesis. As we say on our site, we love his story, but feel he needs to debate and justify a lot more his conclusions and narrative , which we see from all the publicity of our site is happening - from Andrew Bolt, the ABC, Clementine Ford, all the way up to the Minister Ken Wyatt.!! We feel vindicated that once all the dust settles a better outcome for all Australians, and in particular our school kid’s education will result - In our opinion Mr Pascoe will need to modify some aspects of his thesis based on the evidence we have uncovered , but we are sure a re-edited New Dark Emu will be a better text for our kids.

regards, Editor

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