Newton-Murray's Law of Intersectionality

Newton-Murray's Law of Intersectionality

Defintion : Identity politics prioritizes the concerns of people based on their particular racial, religious, ethnic, sexual, social, cultural or other identity, resulting in the formation of an exclusive political alliance with others of their group, to promote their group's interests without regard for the larger interests of society as a whole.

One of the foremost thinkers on the rise of Identity politics and how this may play out, particularly in the English-speaking world, is the writer Douglas Murray, who recently published a book, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity.” Of particular interest to Murray, is the clash caused by, ‘Intersectionality’, which is when two Identity groups, each on their own particular road to ‘justice and equality’, crash into each other when their paths cross – the ‘Intersection’. A clash ensues when one Identity group’s, “rights” and “action”, meets another Identity group’s, “equally right” and justifiable “re-action”.

Let us make a prediction here at Dark Emu Exposed that, what we have termed :

Newton-Murray’s Law of Intersectionality :

- “for every Identity Group’s action, there will be another Identity Group’s equal and opposite reaction.”

will become much more frequently observed here in our own little Australian ‘Intersection’ of roads with names such as, ‘Aboriginality’, ‘conservative’, ‘progressive’, ‘Aboriginal culture and community’, ‘Australian’, ‘Aboriginal Elders’, ‘democrats’, ‘liberals’, ‘tax-payers’, ‘The Voice’, ‘Makarrata’ and ‘Queer Indigenous’ (yes there is such a street!).

And these are just some of the larger roads being travelled by Identity groups.

Once we start diverting down some of the smaller, Identity side-roads such as, ‘We don’t leave the house on Invasion Day : A Gay Aboriginal man on LGBTI Silence’ Lane, White Supremacy Cul de Sac and Uluru Bark Petition Grove (An anti-marriage-equality group of Aboriginal Christians), Newton-Murray’s Law of Intersectionality predicts an unleashing of uncontrollable, Identity group forces that our society will find hard to contain safely without a mass-release of toxicity.

So, maybe we should all start working on how to develop a level of responsible discourse and find a team of suitably clad politicians, representing all major sides of politics and in consulation with ALL Australians, who can handle the toxic fumes and car crashes that will inevitably occur over the next two years in the great Reconciliation & Constitutional Change Debate – let’s hope and pray, but we all need to work at it.

From time to time, Dark Emu Exposed, will add articles on this page related to Newton-Murray’s Law of Intersectionality as it relates to, the Reconciliation & Constitutional Change debate in Australia in general and, the story that just keeps on giving, Bruce Pascoe and his Dark Emu in particular.

1. Helen Dale :Bruce Pascoe story a reminder there’s no ‘positive’ discrimination’The Australian, January 18th 2020. - (Link here for subscribers ).

2. ‘Leading academics want Dark Emu removed from schools’ - Interview with Peter Sutton and Keryn Walshe

Further Reading : A brilliant article, regarding future societal problems caused by unresolved intersectionality, is by former chairman of Britain’s Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), Trevor Phillips . Although his article is in reference to issues in Europe and Britain, it is also very relevant to the issues in our own Australian society.

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