No Dark Emus to be Seen in 1788?

Dr Ian Keen’s 2004 book, Aboriginal Society & Economy, Australia at the Threshold of Colonisation, which precedes Mr Pascoe’s Dark Emu by 10 years, was a ‘systematic…study of pre-colonial Aboriginal societies…at the Threshold of Colonisation’. And guess what? There are no entries in the index under ‘farmer’, ‘farming’ or ‘agriculture’, but several entries unter ‘hunter-gatherers’. We rest our case.

Advice for Concerned Parents - How to Save Your Children from the Indoctrination of Young Dark Emu

Many parents think Young Dark Emu is far too racist, violent and just plain wrong about our Australian History. Our children’s mental well-being, and our society’s cohesiveness between Aboriginal people and other Australians, is far too important to be left to teachers trying to indoctrinate our schools with this false re-writing of our Australian history.