Michael Mansell

“For political reasons, journalists of the left wanted to believe Pascoe was genuine and put up the blinkers to any contrary view. Now they must eat humble pie and admit they got it all wrong” - Michael Mansell, Chair, Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania, 22 January 2020

Mr Pascoe's Ancestry

It is not the Australian community who are insisting that Mr Pascoe prove his Aboriginal ancestry – it is in fact, Mr Pascoe who is insisting that the Australian community accept his Aboriginal ancestry, so the burden of proof falls to the initiator, Mr Pascoe, to clear up any concerns regarding his alleged ancestry.

Is this Intellectual Checkmate for Bruce Pascoe?

For an uninitiated Aboriginal man, to have read a copy of the book Yiwara, would be sacrilege, punishable by spearing or death - for a non-Aboriginal historian, to ignore the evidence in Yiwara that the Aborigines were solely hunter-gatherers, and not ‘settled farmers’, would amount to a deliberate hiding of evidence. Mr Pascoe says he has read this book.